Latest updates and product information from Lintasarta can be accessed through its official social media accounts on Instagram (@lintasarta.official), LinkedIn (@Lintasarta), and its website at
Since 1988, Lintasarta has been a provider of Data Communication, Internet, and IT Services for various industry sectors. Lintasarta continues to strengthen its strategic role as the AI Factory of Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Indosat or IOH) Group. This position aligns with its parent company, Indosat’s, strategy as an AI TechCo. Currently, Lintasarta serves over 2,000 corporate clients with 74,196 networks, encompassing fiber optic data communication services, satellite networks, managed security & collaboration, data centers and DRC, cloud computing, managed services, e-Health, and total data communication solutions with network availability guarantees (SLA) of 99%, 99.9%, and 99.99% tailored to customer needs.