International and the partner university. It’s ideal for students who want to experience studying abroad for a shorter period before returning to Indonesia.
2. 2+2 Model
Like the previous option, the 2+2 model allows students to complete the first two years of their program in Indonesia and the final two years at an international partner university. This model provides a more immersive global experience, as students spend half of their academic program abroad.
As a result, you have more time to study global trends, brush up your technical and non-technical skills, and build a long-lasting professional network to aid your career after graduation.
BINUS International’s Partner Universities
BINUS International collaborates with several highly regarded universities around the world. La Trobe University, Macquarie University, Queensland University of Technology, RMIT University, University of New South Wales, University of Wollongong (Australia), Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), Boston University- MET College (United States), Bournemouth University, Edinburgh Napier University, University of Nottingham, Northumbria University (United Kingdom), Cologne International Business School (Germany), Saxion University of Applied Science (Netherland), and Solbridge International School of Business (South Korea)